Friday, 7 May 2010

Why we are praying for a miracle

Dear friends, thank you for reading this blog. Knowing that you read it gives us motivation enough to keep blogging about Lizzie's progress. We will also be using this blog to keep all our friends updated of any procedures and developments in future. Having the comfort that our daughter is covered by your prayers means a lot to us. We know that prayers will move the hand of God, who is always merciful and loving.

I also want to explain why we have been stubbornly praying for a miracle, instead of trusting medical science to take care of Lizzie's conditions. We do believe that God can heal us through doctors and surgeons, and such professionals and their knowledge are God-sent. In Lizzie's case, the experts are saying that they can operate on her when necessary to put in a human graft (a donor artery) to address the issue of the missing pulmonary artery. In the same operation, they will also rectify the VSD (simply, a hole) in her heart.
What these do not address are:
1. donor graft is not permanent. It may calcify and require replacements, every 10 to 15 years. For a 4-year-old, that will mean many surgeries for the rest of her life.
2. Her chromosome defects and her calcium deficiency will be permanent.
3. She will be on life-long medication which will have other side-effects.

In short, medical science cannot do a lot for Lizzie.

We therefore covet your kind prayers for her in the following areas:
1. A creative miracle from God to correct her heart, chromosome and calcium conditions.
2. No more surgeries. Even though Lizzie has gone through 2 surgeries since birth, she hates surgeries, as do her mommy and daddy.

"All I asked, Oh Lord, is a pulmonary artery and no more surgeries... and lots of marshmallows!"

We believe that God hears us and loves Lizzie. Her condition and her healing will be a testimony of that. There is nothing too great for our Almighty God and His everlasting love. His healing will be perfect in timing and in purpose. Thank you for your prayers.

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