Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Happy 1st birthday Lizzie!

Dear friends,

I've not been able to blog for a while - we've had our hands full with Lizzie ever since her illness in July, but thank God, she recovered quickly and she's been growing in leaps and bounds.
After her recovery, our girl has mastered crawling and standing up at her cot - she is pretty steady, though still loses her balance at times.

We've not given up on the babysigns yet - Lizzie can now do "fishy-fishy", "milk-milk", clapping, waving, kissing, "hello mummy"(She has been observing us using the phone, and started copying us one day, holding her hand up to her ear as if answering the phone. She even tried answering a remote control once! Har har!)

"No this is not a potty - I'm sitting on cousin Shana's BUMBO chair!"

Lizzie's been giving us loads of joy and laughter at home, and we're watching her slowly transform from a helpless baby into a strong, active, opinionated, loud and playful toddler.

'My pal Daddy'

'Me & Mummy'

On August 9 we celebrated Lizzie's 1st birthday with close family, friends, and Lizzie's pals - Anisha, cousin Shana, and newborn baby Charis.
Lizzie was so excited and happy to receive so much attention, she didn't want to sleep at all that night! Farewell to Anisha, (Mum)Thushanti and (Dad)Chandana - hope you guys are enjoying Melbourne!
Thankyou everyone for all the wonderful birthday gifts.

'One, two, three - blow!!"

(L to R)Babies Anisha, Lizzie & Shana

Mummies Thushanthi, Elaine & Sheryl

(L to R) Babies Charis, Anisha & Lizzie

Mummies Belinda, Thushanti & Elaine

Lizzie sitting ON her presents!

Shortly before her birthday, my mum in law and Simon brought Lizzie down to see the physiotherapist (aka 'naughty-uncle'). We were thrilled to be told that Lizzie is doing extremely well - so much so, that she no longer requires monthly physiotherapy! Her back and chest muscles are strengthening well, and she is making good progress with her cruising and crawling. The doctors want to see her again in October, and possibly start planning for cardiac catheterization. We are asking for your prayers for a creative miracle for Lizzie, as we continue to believe and trust in the Lord God Jesus Christ. God bless you all,
