Tuesday, 26 September 2006

Surgery done on 25 Sep

Dear friends, we saw Lizzie for a long time on 24 Sep.
She kept her eyes open for the longest time - 5 hours straight. We can tell that she is tired but she refused to close her eyes. It seemed that she could sense something is going on and wanted us to see her eyes before they close for a long while. The memory of that day is so precious to us (I have uploaded those pictures in Day 47). Lizzie went thru' the surgery to implant an artifical stem to aid blood flow to her heart. She is now sedated and intubated (a tube inserted thru' her mouth to her lungs to aid breathing). According to the Docs, the surgery went well. However, Lizzie has lots of tubes and insertions into her arms and legs. The number of electronic devices hooked up to her tiny body is depressing. Elaine and I are hoping that these devices will be taken off Lizzie in the next few days as she grow stronger and heals. More importantly, we are hoping that she will be able to breathe on her own so that they will take her off the ventilator. Once she is off the ventilator, they will stop the sedation and we can see Lizzie's sparkly eyes again. Please pray for our little Lizzie. She has gone thru' so much for a 48-day old baby, barely full sized.
Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers.
God bless,Simon & Elaine

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