Thursday, 28 December 2006

Lizzie's First Christmas

Dear friends, Lizzie is now 4.5 months old, and has been growing and developing well, despite all that she's gone through. She's reached many milestones which are normal for babies her age, and we thank God for that. Lizzie is learning how to grab toys (her favourites are butterflies and red objects), and especially loves to play on her musical 'piano' gym which hangs over her - she's able to reach out and 'play piano' much to mummy and daddy's amusement. Lizzie's also quite an expressive little girl, she likes to smile, giggle and squeal real loud, and will often demand to be carried. We've also noticed that she's not only a very gentle girl, but also a very happy girl. This is one aspect of her character that Simon and I committed to prayer before and during my pregnancy, and we know that God has answered our prayers with a joyful child :) Recently Simon and my mum-in-law brought Lizzie in for her usual hospital reviews, and they happened to scan her kidneys. We were told that one of her kidneys had calcium deposits or stones. This was cause for concern, as Lizzie is on calcium supplements due to low calcium levels. We were told to return the next day for amore detailed scan of the kidneys, so that night we prayed hard, that God would spare Lizzie the need for any more medical procedures or medications. The next day I brought her in, together with my mum-in-law, they scanned Lizzie again - she cried so hard during the scan, but shewas a good girl and kept still for the doctors. We were so thankful and relieved - for detailed scan showed that the stones had indeed disappeared. We continue to pray and ask for total and complete healing for our Lizzie, and that she will not have to undergo anymore procedures. We know that nothing is impossible with our Lord Jesus Christ, and continue to trust and lean on Him. We thank you all for supporting us and Lizzie through your prayers, encouragement, friendship, and most of all for being a part of our testimony.
God Bless, Elaine

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