Thursday, 26 October 2006

God is still faithful to us

Dear friends, I am sorry for the silence since Lizzie came home with us. Ms.Lizzie is keeping daddy and mommy very busy with dirty diapers and many feeds... much to our pleasure. :) Lizzie went for her reviews with the surgeon and the cardiologist on 10 and 11 August. Both commented that Lizzie is very pink, which is a good sign of healthy blood flow. However, the pulse oximeter showed that Lizzie's O2 level is only around 70. It was recommended that Lizzie stay on the O2 concentrator every night until the level is higher. We brought Lizzie to see the cardiologist again on 23 August and the results are the same - very pinkish but O2 level at 70. The cardiologist, seemingly satisfied with her condition, commented she is healthy and not showing any sign of physical distress. Her O2 level may possibly stay at this level without much change. We can take her off the O2 concentrator at night if we feel comfortable enough. On the same day, we met the genetic paediatrician, Dr. Denise Goh. As Lizzie was having her scan done, Denise did not get to see Lizzie that day. She commented that her (extensive) experience with Digeorge's (DG)Syndrome children shows that most are able to attend normal schools but they are unlikely to be the top achievers. Mild cases of DG will not be obvious to the layman, although she can spot them, after having seen many cases. She agreed to follow up with Lizzie's care on a long term basis to ensure that Lizzie gets her necessary medication, therapy and anything else as necessary. Elaine brought Lizzie to see Denise yesterday (25 Oct). Denise was surprised to see that Lizzie actually looks normal. We are very thankful with that comment, coming from someone who is trained in this field. Denise also checked Lizzie for her reflexes and other symptoms of DG. Denise thinks that Lizzie is healthy apart from her heart defects and calcium deficiency. Yesterday night, we did not put Lizzie on the O2 concentrator at all. We checked her colour every 3 hours and she is as pink as ever. Lizzie slept as soundly as before and did not show any sign of turning blue or had difficulty in breathing. This are exciting moments for us and answers to some of our prayers. We have been praying that God will not only heal Lizzie of her heart defects and chromosome disorder, He will also not allow her physical and mental developments to be affected. We are thankful for this confirmation that Lizzie is not physically affected, apart from her size. From our daily interaction with Lizzie, we can also tell that she is slowly sizing up her daddy, mommy and grandma and know to what extent she can demand things. She even have different sounds and cries to express different emotions. We know that our prayers (and yours) are working and will continue reach the courts of Heaven and the ears of Jesus. We thank you for your prayers. They are most precious to us and Lizzie. We know in our hearts that one day, God will heal Lizzie of all defects and disorders. Thank you. We will keep you posted of her developments.
God bless, Simon & Elaine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My cousins baby girl was just diagnosed with digeorges syndrome. It was comforting seenig the pictures of your little girl and the success you have had over the year. I hope and pray that they will be as patient as you. God Bless!