Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Last week's rush to the A&E

Dear friends,

Thanks for all the prayers and concern after the scare we had last week.

Lizzie has been suffering the effects of chronic constipation - turned acute.
She was suddenly in a lot of pain - and kept pointing to her tummy and told me "Mummy, pain".
Within half an hour, she was screaming and crying non stop (completely out of character for her), and her blood pressure suddenly plummetted (due to the pain), and she was shivering and white as a sheet. We think the only thing keeping her from passing out from the pain, was that her screaming and crying kept her blood pressure up.

We hurried to NUH A&E (thankfully Simon and myself were at home at the time), and she was seen to pretty quickly. Thank God for the reassuring familiar faces of her doctors.
She had her system flushed out was able to be discharged after having some oxygen by mask, and a rest on the trolley bed. Lizzie was so exhausted she slept for 2 hours straight after reaching home.

We definitely learnt a lot from this experience (having been used to watching out for blueness, her turning white gave us a big fright).

We recently saw her paediatrician who also gave us reassuring and encouraging news - despite her constipation, her cognitive development seems to not be too far behind her peers (as we previously thought). Height and weight is also within the average range for her age. Praise the Lord!

We are in talks with her paediatric gastroenterologist on how to manage, and hopefully solve her long term severe constipation problem.
We just pray that it will not worsen, but she will be able to grow out of it, and recover completely, without anymore medication or hospital treatment.

Meanwhile all of this happened to coincide with her first weeks at preschool - and we are happy to report that she is crying less and less each day, and gaining confidence and lots of friends at school. We want to be able to let her 'fly' on her own, and hope that she will be able to settle in quickly and without any lingering fear or insecurity.

Little ballerina Lizzie

Playing in her pajamas

Lizzie, Abi & Jonan

First day of preschool - with teacher Miss Sisi

Father & daughter

With Mummy @MRT station

We continue to commit her life, her wellbeing and her character into God's hands, and thank you for praying with us all these years. Everyone's prayers have not only touched us, but also have helped our little Lizzie become the bright cheerful girl that she has become today.

God Bless,


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