We just brought Lizzie to see her doctor and physiotherapist yesterday, in terms of development, she is about equivalent to a 6 month old, which they say is okay, because of the 2 months spent in hospital, is her corrected age. The physiotherapist made her do "push-ups" and other belly exercises that Lizzie did not like! She cried so hard, tears were rolling down, but we knew it was for her own good - to help strengthen her muscles, heart and lungs. She did not like that "naughty-uncle". She was so 'man-ja' and kept raising up her arms to ask us to cuddle her after that. She's also mastered her 'pitiful-look' - pouting her lips and blinking her eyes, accompanied by soft whimpering, which we fall for everytime :)
Check up with her genetic/paediatrician confirmed that she is doing well.
Weight-wise she is within the 10th percentile, and height-wise, she is between the 10th to 25th percentile range. Lizzie-girl is taking after her mummy and daddy in terms of height.
Lizzie likes to play the piano with Kong-kong
We put her on the oxygen monitor last night, and the reading was really quite low, much to our dismay. It was around the low 70s, which was a sudden drop.
We've been praying that this does not reflect any changes to her heart condition, but that the low reading is just a temporary fluctuation in her O2 levels. We ask that you please include Lizzie in your prayers.
Despite what we see in test results and monitor readings, we continue to commit Lizzie to the Lord, and trust that His will is perfect and will be for the good of all those who love Him.
We take comfort that Lizzie still appears pink and healthy, as you can see from the pictures above (Thanks for the colourful caterpillar and my 'blingage' Uncle Tim & Aunty Jen!), she is active and growing well.
Sleepy Lizzie drinking milk
We're once again attending at Lighthouse Evangelism, at the Miracle Service every Saturday. Thanks to the loving and caring gospelighters who regularly interceed for us - we are grateful for all of you (especially Aunty Jane, Joanna and Tracy).
Last week, we received prayer from senior Pastor Rony, and we were touched by his care and compassion.
We want to give God the Glory and thank all of you for your prayers and support.
God Bless,
Hi Elaine, Sheryl pointed me to your blog. I'm Zoe's mom, and our family attends Lighthouse too. I'm guessing you go to Woodlands since Pastor Rony is based there. I'll say hi to you if I see you and Lizzie. :)
Hi there Jean!
Sheryl did fill me in briefly abt your situation.
Just want to tell you sister, that no matter what happens, God is in control.
Continue to trust and believe, because He will honour our faith. It takes strength and courage to carry a child that has been diagnosed with congenital defects to full term- you are a strong woman of God. I thank God for that sister.
How many months along are you? your EDD?
If you need to talk or need prayer support, my husband and I have gone thru what you are experiencing now, I'll send you my contact. Just post me your email, and I'll not publish it.
See you at Lighthouse - we'll be in the manger :)
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