Lizzie having a teddy moment

Lizzie acting cute.
As we approach the 2nd Christmas with Lizzie, we want to thank one and all for keeping Lizzie in prayers. We treasure every moment with her, realising how precious and fragile life can be, especially without God's grace. Each day that Lizzie lives to play, grow and even be naughty is a day of grace from God. Indeed, His grace is sufficient for us.
Lizzie and mommy in church
We may complain about how naughty Lizzie is or why she is still not speaking at 27 months, but we are secretly thankful that God has blessed this child with many things, including her cheerfulness and her relative health (compared to a year ago). What God has shown us in the past 3 years has given us hope that there is more grace for Lizzie, that the major open-heart surgery may even be unnecessary, if only God is willing. As her parents, we can only pray and hope, but as God's children, we dare to claim it for our child.
Discussing world events with Daddy
Teen outreach - my calling?
As we look forward to many years ahead with Lizzie, we greatly treasure your precious prayers for her well-being and her future. As her parents, we are praying that all these efforts will not be in vain, not for the sake of having another life on earth. We are constantly praying that she will grow up to be a purposeful servant for God, and her life to be a testimony to show how personal and how intimate our God is.This Christmas will be more fun as Lizzie can now comprehend occasions, enjoy company and especially, toys! We are trying to fight off overzealous grandparents and even aunties buying the entire toy shop for Lizzie. So much for a zen-style house! We are also putting up the Christmas tree as soon as we are settled in so that she can enjoy it. To everyone reading this, may God's love be your Christmas cheer and His peace be your sparkle at all times.
Blessed Christmas and God bless.