Lizzie loves the water so much that she couldn't wait to go in. She will cling on to us and splashed water happily. These are the precious moments we treasure so much.
We also brought her to Bishan
Park on afternoon for a
walk and play "pop-the-bubbles", one of Lizzie's great thrills. (see her video below!!) Lizzie looks cool with her sun glasses on her head, doesn't she? I know, I know, I am praising her too much... do bear with me... I am sure those with children will understand :)
On a more serious note, we want to thank God for His faithfulness. Lizzie's O2 has been holding steady in the high 70s when she is awake and active and in the low 80s when she is asleep. We are still praying for a breakthrough in her condition and continue to believe that God has created her in her special way for a purpose, for His glory. We wait for God's plans to be revealed in His perfect timing. We also thank you for continuing to uphold Lizzie in prayers as we do not know what is next. We are still living moment by moment, enjoying her innocent giggles and waiting.
God bless, Simon & Elaine.
God bless, Simon & Elaine.